Invitation from the Movement Against Tyranny

Dear Fellow Lasallians,

We received this invitation from the Movement Against Tyranny [MAT] calling on all freedom-loving Filipinos to gather at the Luneta on December 10, International Human Rights Day,
from 4-8 p.m.
 Because of time constraints to consult with the team and mobilize an official contingent for this activity, we are disseminating this invitation to the members of the Lasallian Family for your consideration.  Please see attached “Call to Action”.

For inquiries and coordination, please get in touch with MAT’s Obet de Castro at mobile
(0921) 8977392 or email us at


Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC
President, De La Salle Philippines

Invite for Dec. 10 Luneta event Br. Armin.jpg
Call to Action on December 10-1.jpg